V klubu TPV VOLLEY skrbimo za razvoj kluba in vseh vključenih na različnih ravneh z namenom dvigniti kvaliteto storitev in zadovoljstva članov.
Možnost sodelovanja na Erasmus+ izmenjavah imajo vsi člani in članice našega kluba. Vsi stroški so kriti iz fondov Evropske unije.
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Projekti Evropske unije

Športni projekti Erasmus +

Sports 4 all

Project number: 101050222 — Sport for All — ERASMUS-SPORT-2021-SSCP

The project at a glance

The Sports 4 all project is an 18-month project financed through EU funds from the Erasmus+ Sport line, where Kirikù Cooperative is the leader. The primary objective of the project is to develop, together with the other European partners, an educational methodology and a tool aimed at facilitating the inclusion of children in educational poverty in sports settings.

Project actions

Phase 1: Context analysis
This phase involves the analysis of the local context through a discussion with schools and sports associations to detect the critical issues they face in dealing with disadvantaged children and to check possible methodologies they have already put in place. This analysis will be carried out through a questionnaire.

Phase 2: Method Development
It is planned to develop an initial hypothesis of methodology that will be presented to the sports associations that intend to collaborate in the project.

Phase 3: Experimentation and refinement of the method
Last phase of the project involving experimentation of the method, where associations will be asked to provide comments and feedback on what has been developed with a view to refining it and developing a final version.


Together for Inclusion in Grass Root Sports Clubs – TIGRS

101049613 —ERASMUS-SPORT-2021-SSCP

Splošni cilj projekta je podpora športnim delavcem in klubom pri vključevanju večjega števila športnikov na rekreativni ravni, z vključevanjem ljudi z manj možnostmi.

Ena od aktivnosti je bila mednarodna izmenjava v Sloveniji, ki smo jo organizirali v okviru TPV Volley, kjer smo predstavili primere dobre prakse vključevanja športnikov in športnic v naše programe. S podporo Mestne občine Novo mesto, donacij in sponzorstev so naši programi za otroke in mladostnice dostopni vsem. Mala šola športa in mini odbojka sta programa, ki sta vključujoča, športne vsebina pa raznolike in temeljijo na igri. Za vključevanje mladih športnikov in športnic v šport skrbijo naši trenerji, ki z rednim usposabljanjem pridobivajo nova znanja na področju športa in vpeljujejo sodobne koncepte v trenažni proces .

Poleg naših otroških in mladinskih programov smo predstavili tudi Društvo paraplegikov Dolenjske, Bele krajine in Posavja, ki ima sedež v Novem mestu. Gre za dobro organizirano društvo, ki s svojim pestrim letnim programom skrbi tudi za športnike invalide, ki jih vključuje v trenažni proces in tekmovanja na lokalni in državni ravni. V klubu TPV Volley smo solidarni s športniki invalidi in širimo njihov glas naprej.

Project Kid Action

Brussels, August 2022

KID ACTIONS aims to address cyberbullying among children and adolescents through interactive education and gamification within formal and non-formal learning settings at the EU level. The project supports teachers, educators, and youth workers in fostering effectiveness and efficiency in education about risks and effects of cyberbullying, raise awareness among secondary school students and youth centres, and encourage reporting by victims and bystanders. KID_ACTIONS will empower 11 to 19 years old young people and key educational stakeholders by co-creating innovative digital and non-digital educational tools aimed to prevent and combat cyberbullying.

Anamarija, Eva in Jaka so se udeležili usposabljanja o ozaveščanju nevarnostih interneta, ki je potekalo v Bruslju. Svoja znanja so predstavili učencem na OŠ Stopiče in članicam kluba TPV Volley v želji, da bi bila njihova raba interneta čim bolj varna. V okviru klub namreč izvajamo projekt 100 deklet na pravi poti, v sklopu katerega izvajamo vrsto aktivnosti, ki pripomorejo k celostnemu razvoju odbojkaric.


Reference number: 2020 (EAC/A02/2019)

Beneficiary Organisation: COOPERATIVA UMANISTA MAZRA



23th – 27th March, 2022


Sport is a unique life-changing vehicle for young people with intellectual disabilities, facing many challenges with traditional educational environments and traditional pathways to full inclusion

The INSIDes project aims at promoting participation in sport and physical activities for young people with intellectual disabilities (General Objective) by developing socio-professional competences, technical and soft skills of youth workers and trainers through an innovative model integrating non-formal learning, peer-learning, virtual learning and mobility in the field of Sport and Physical Activities addressed to young people (Specific Objective).

5 Partners from EU/non-EU countries (Italy, Greece, Brasil, Slovenia, Turkey) are involved in project implementation that foresees a preparatory phase in which research and analysis activities will offer a contribution to the State of Art on existing international practices in the field of sport and physical activities for young people with disabilities. Research results will be included training materials, methods and tools delivered during the project – then available as OER in the Platform, as an element for project sustainability – with the view to offering high quality capacity building activities at the core of the project. TPV Volley Novo Mesto has been operating in the world of sports for over 25 years. It currently has more than 200 members involved in local, national and international projects.


Reference number: 2019-1-EL02-KA105-004785

Beneficiary Organisation: United Societies of Balkans [USB]


The Youth Exchange titled Prop-@genda (development of an agenda against political propaganda in social media) that will take place in Arnaia including 35 young people from 6 European Union countries (Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia and Sweden) and will have as an ultimate goal to raise public awareness of political propaganda in social media and how it can be addressed and avoided. To do so, there will be activities of non-formal education and artistic workshops that will address topics of the existant political propaganda in social network (processing and analysis of such messages), strengthen the European identity of young people, break any prejudices and stereotypes and create an intercultural dialogue on the pathogenesis of propaganda in different countries of the European Union.

Social Inclusion in Action

Reference number: 2020-1-BG01-KA105-078909

Beneficiary Organisation: CVS Bulgaria


“Social Inclusion in Action” is a project run by CVS Bulgaria in partnership with 15 organization from 13 countries – Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey, Czech Republic and Bulgaria. The project foresees two training course for youth workers involved in the activities of our partners.

The project “Social Inclusion in Action” aims to build the capacity of partner organizations for quality work with young people with fewer opportunities, and to increase the quality of implemented youth projects, making them more accessible to young people with fewer opportunities and at the same time increase the involvement of such participants.

We believe that through such facilitation of social inclusion we will support organizations in their regular work and activities involving more prepared and trained youth workers and facilitators, young people with fewer opportunities will be actively involved themselves (independently and in extended groups with other young people), as well as there will be more young people and youth workers with the necessary competencies to adequately support and positively evaluate diversity.

Leading Youth

Reference number: KA105-AD66DEE1

Beneficiary Organisation: Comune di Polpenazze del Garda


Leading Youths project aims at increasing young people's engagement, particularly of under-24s, in solidarity/volunteering activities within their community.

Tо reach this aim, we set up the following оobjectives:

» To set up a youth-led group in each country partner
» To empower young people to lead and act for themselves
» To raise young people’s awareness to solidarity and volunteering
» To share EU best practices for youth engagement

Dance Bridge: Uniting Cultures Through Movement

Reference number: KA152-YOU-857EE009 ('the Grant Agreement') between Youth Fusion and the NL02 -
Nederlands Jeugdinstituut ('granting authority').

Nizozemska, 12.8. do 23.8.2024


Mednarodna izmenjava 44 mladih iz 6 evropskih držav, ki so tkali mednarodna prijateljstva preko gibanja in glasbe.

SAGE: Sound Athletes Grow Sound Societies - Clean sport Education

Reference number: ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-SSCP, number 101091014


Projekt je pobuda za skupno prizadevanje vzgoje o čistem športu med mladimi športniki in športnicami v Evropski uniji.

V sodelovanju z DRPD smo sodelovali pri EU projektih:

P.L.A.Y! Peer education, Leadership, Action, Youth

Projekt je trajal 3 leta. Namen je bil spodbujanje športa, izobraževanja v športu in socialne vključenosti marginalnih skupin. Sodelovali so partnerji 6 ih držav. Na zaključnem srečanju v Barceloni smo se predstavili s programom Mala šola športa katere glavni motiv je «Vsi športi na enem mestu«. Gre za inovativen projekt kluba, kjer poleg športnih aktivnosti vključujemo tudi brain gym in NTC metodo. Glavni namen je, da otroci razvijajo motorične sposobnosti, koordinacijo in kondicijo ter spoznavajo različne športe preko sodobnih konceptov.

Erasmus+ Sport ODYSSEIA

Namen projekta ODYSSEIA je spodbujanje socialne vključenosti in enakih možnosti v športu. V sklopu projekta izvajamo 3 športne dogodke, prvi v Litvi, ki je že potekal, drugi v Sloveniji in tretji na Poljskem naslednje leto junija. S temi dogodki želimo vključiti lokalno prebivalstvo, starejše in mlajše rekreativce brez starostne in spolne omejitve. Na dogodku Novem mestu smo na enem od treningov gostili prostovoljce različnih generacij iz Poljske, Litve in Slovenije. Igralke Male šole športa so ob glasbi ogrele udeležence, jih pošteno nasmejale ob vajah brain gym in športno – logičnih vajah, trening smo zaključili z badmintonom in odbojko ter ugotovili, da šport povezuje različne generacije in premaga vse jezikovne bariere.

Ekipa, ki je zadolžena za Evropske projekte:

Mitja Bukovec in Ester Snedec DRPD – svetovalca
Jana Vernig – vodja projektov
Anamarija Hlača – prevajalka
člani/ce TPV Volley Novo mesto - udeleženci na projektih


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